As promised, I'm going to share the conversation (via WhatsApp) I had with a very close and special friend of mine, Emma S.
Just to provide you with some background information...surprise surprise, I was having a little boy-related problem. Yes, it happens to the best of us. Let's just call him Leo D. In a nutshell, the story goes like this. We went to school together, reconnected via Facebook, as one does, and started chatting. He keeps on making plans but can never stick to them long enough to actually see me in person. So I had pretty much started to not reply...then he would text me again...we'd chat and make plans...he would cancel and not text...I'd get bored with the whole thing...then he would text was a vicious cycle I tell you.
So, we pick up where he sends me a message again, after a week of not texting, and I needed a little help from my friend Emma as to whether I should reply or not. This is probably one of the longest conversations via phone I have ever had. So for your sake and mine, I edit...quite a bit. If you don't feel like reading this rather ridiculous, pretty much crazy conversation, skip to the part where Emma says: "You should blog about this" and I reply with "I am so going to blog about this. I could blog, right?". I'll highlight it so it is easy to find.
PS. If you are a male reader, please realise that this is what all private girl conversations are like. Yes, we are all slightly crazy, obsessed and did I mention totally adorable? While saying this, please believe me when I say that I am still intelligent, but boy-related problems bring out the stupid in me. So no judgement please. Oh, and Emma is also actually very smart and not crazy and funny and totally awkward in a good way. You're going to love her.
It starts at 20:30, Sunday 23 October 2011.
R: Hey Emma, you there? Need a bit of advice...
No reply.
E: Too late?
R: Jip :). I’m too damn nice, that’s the problem! So Leo didn’t reply to my text last night and didn't hear anything from him the whole day and he nonchalantly sends me a text at 7 asking, and I quote “so how was your weekend, babes”. I was seriously considering not replying...but then I did :(
R: This situation is just annoying me now.
R: Stupid games.
E: :) Well, the messaging this is fine as long as you enjoy it for what it is, and not what could be. This kind of relationship may be all he wants.
E: Sorry, that sounds harsh.
R: No, harsh is good. I don’t think I want to do the sms thing anymore. I either want more than this or nothing. Will keep replies low key and give him till the end of the week to make a move. After that, I don’t know. Just let it quietly fizzle out...?
R: Listening to Lady Antebellum and reading one of my Nora Roberts books is not helping the situation either. These male characters in her books...*sigh*
E: Lol
E: Put down the book!
E: I am certain the men in books are the cause of many of my problems!
E: Rachel, I think you should tell him you like him and would like to get to know him better. We may be reading the situation incorrectly...this may be how he starts his relationships? Who knows! You ARE fantastic! I’m sure there are tons of men who’d love to be with you, who would fit the bill. I have a feeling they may be in NZ...
R: Haha, NZ here I come :).
R: I don’t like playing games and this is starting to feel like it.
E: :) I know, his mixed messages have me confused and I don’t even know the man!
R: Well, obviously I don’t either :)
E: You deserve better treatment.
R: I think so too!
R: And it’s not making me happy anymore, so why waste time on it?
E: Exactly! He has shown himself to be unworthy...
R: I prefer honesty. If he can’t step up then I don’t need him in my life.
E: I have to agree. And if you’re not happy, you shouldn’t tolerate this for another day.
R: Yes, totally agree. Why is it so hard to find someone you like that likes you back? Don’t get it. Oh well, until then I’ll keep doing what makes me happy until someone comes along that can add to the happiness :). So all in all not a bad evening for deciding to do what makes you happy and screw the rest ;)
R: Positive Rachel it is.
E: I hear you. I think the good guy is out there somewhere! They have to be! In the meantime all you can do is find things you love doing! :) I’m so inspired I think I may read the secret!
R: Haha, don’t think I’d go as far as reading the secret, but let’s make the decision to do what we love and be happy for the next two months and reassess in December? Deal?
E: That sounds like a great idea! I’ll catch up in December...I will have to love my thesis for the next 40 days. Yes, I am counting!
R: Cool, 40 days it is! Can’t wait. Going to be a crazy 2 months, but we can do it.
E: Love the enthusiasm :)
R: I like lists.
E: Should we make a list of things to do?
R: Holding each other accountable?
E: If this were a movie you would blog about it! And meet someone hot!
R: YES! I love lists. Obviously number one on your list is your thesis. Mmmm, what shall be number one on mine? I like the accountability idea! I’m going to Google how to start a blog ASAP :)
R: Maybe that should be on my list? Start a blog?
E: lol
E: Literally!
E: How did this just happen?
R: What you think? I could blog? What do you mean? The list thing?
R: We both love lists and it’s gonna be filled with things we want to accomplish and do! Ooh, this is going to be amazing!
E: I think you should start with a declaration of what you want to do and blog about your experience. Like Julie/Julia?
R: Jip, sounds perfect! Exactly what I was thinking!
...OK, THAT WAS PRETTY MUCH THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE CONVERSATION...feel free to stop reading now...
...OK, THAT WAS PRETTY MUCH THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE CONVERSATION...feel free to stop reading now...
E: That’s a good sign.
R: And I’ve got all the cool pictures! It will be all pretty and smart and witty. Ooh, can’t wait to start, have no idea how, but we’re gonna figure it out.
R: Oh, this is so cool! And I want to start cello lessons. Have ALWAYS wanted to, ever since I was a kid!
R: Ooh, this list thing is going to be amazing!
R: We need to remember this day :)
R: Ooh, whay will we call the blog?
R: What
R: I’m too excited to spell properly
R: But seriously, name?
E: *sidebar* The only thing that comes to me is a line from pretty woman. Kit says, “A name. The pressure of a name...Cinder-fucking-rella.
E: Nope, I have nothing relevant
R: LOL, think we’ll have to work on that one :). We have to get started on our lists ASAP!
E: Ok...Are we really doing this?
R: I think so, if we don’t, what am I going to blog about :)?
R: I think I can do it.
E: I’m sure it’s not so difficult once you know how.
E: Sounds great :)
E: You already have it planned :)
R: I think so too! Not quite sure where to start, but this feels like something I need to do. I like lists and planning :)
E: I think this may just be an ideal outlet for your creativity.
R: I kind of feel like this is going to be great, don’t know why! DO NOT let me NOT do this, ok!
E: Ditto!
R: Listening to very cool music while having this conversation makes this seem infinitely cooler.
R: I need to write this whole thing down asap! I really want to do this.
E: It’s something you wanted to do and when we started talking about it, it just resonated with you ;)
E: I’m off to dream about Richie and my list. See you tomorrow!
R: G’night :)
R: Cool, list day tomorrow. Night night. Thanks for being such an amazing and supportive and brilliant friend! Sweet Richie dreams, Dan’s my man :)
E: Back at ya! Who wants sweet dreams then? Go on, have steamy ones!
R: Jip, steamy ones sounds better! Sleep tight!
15 minutes later...
E: *sidebar* could Emma Stone play me in the movie? I picture my character funny...
R: Haha, yes, Emma Stone can be you in the movie...but who will play me? This needs to go in the blog...
R: Somebody tough.
R: Not a girly girl.
E: I just wanted dibs on Emma! I know you like her...
R: Love her! I’m not an Emma I think, so you can have her. Any ideas on me?
E: one age appropriate.
R: I know, but you got someone younger, I could get someone older?
E: A younger Cameron Diaz?
E: Lol, hey!
R: No, too giggly and blond, need more serious-ness?
E: Gosh, we suck at casting!
R: I’ve got it! A brunette Rachel McAdams, think Allie in The Notebook!!!?
R: Perfect!
R: No?
R: Serious but funny at the same time?
R: Laughs loudly, smiles a lot!
E: Yes I think so, smart thinking.
E: And they both know Ryan!! Bonus!!
R: Now I just need a love interest to base Ryan’s character on :).
E: lol
E: It will happen!
R: Perfect I think. This is going in the blog!!!!
E: Sorry about the late message! Glad I could give you more material...Umm, is this going to be anonymous? Don’t want everyone to KNOW I’m weird!
R: Mmmm, we’ll have to discuss these details while compiling our lists!
E: For the final time: goodnight Rachel ;)
R: Night Emma :)
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